Function MAP_META



Short description

Copy meta fields


    to_meta = MAP_META(from_meta, from_ind, to_meta, to_ind, except)


    from_meta (struct): The meta structure to copy from.
    from_ind (int): The range of columns to copy from.
    to_meta (struct): The meta struture to copy to.
    to_ind (int): The range of columns to copy to.


    to_meta (struct): The meta structure with the fields copied.


    The columns specified by from_ind in the from_meta struture are copied
    into the columns specified by to_ind in the to_meta structure. If from_ind
    only contains one index, these values are replicated across all columns
    given in to_ind.
function to_meta = map_meta(from_meta, from_ind, to_meta, to_ind, except)
	if nargin < 5
		except = {};
	field_names = fieldnames(from_meta);
	for k = 1:length(field_names)
		if any(strcmp(field_names{k},except))
		from_value = getfield(from_meta,field_names{k});
		if isfield(to_meta,field_names{k})
			to_value = getfield(to_meta,field_names{k});
			to_value = zeros(size(from_value,1),0);
		if all(size(to_value)==[0 0])
			to_value = zeros(0,length(from_ind));
			to_value(:,to_ind) = repmat(from_value(:,from_ind), ...
				[1 length(to_ind)/length(from_ind)]);
		to_meta = setfield(to_meta,field_names{k},to_value);

See also

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